Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Since it is 1:00am on the 16th of May I am now officially allowed to celebrate my 26th birthday. I am sitting on my couch in the middle of my horrifically messy house, watching Groundhog Day, and waiting on the Hubby to come home. I do have some wonderful plans for tomorrow evening: dinner with my parents and then possibly Angels & Demons at the movie theater with Hubby. I'm not sure if it's because it's still only 3 weeks after my wedding or if it's because I am officially over the hump on my way to 30 but I'm getting the feeling that birthdays from here on out will be celebrated with much less pomp and circumstance than they were for my first 25. I think I'm OK with it. Really, what I want the very most for my birthday this year is for my house to be magically clean when I awake. But, I've apparently pissed off every house elf in the world as this has never happened before and so I made the executive decision tonight that my birthday present to myself tomorrow will be to work diligently and finally get the house up to snuff. That way when I get home from our celebration tomorrow night I can rest and enjoy it for the rest of the weekend. So, happy birthday to me!

Hubby pointed out tonight when I told him about the blog (and my desire to take purty pictures) that this would be a great way to keep in touch with everyone this summer and let them know all of our goings on while we're many many many miles away. I think he's a genious and have added number one million two hundred and eighty six to the list of reasons why I married him. Speaking of Hubby, he's home now so I must go and enjoy my very first birthday present! You know who is perfect. I now have reason number one million two hundred and eighty seven.


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