First on the menu: CUPCAKES!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Super Late Super Bowl Report
First on the menu: CUPCAKES!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's a Slow Moving Wagon
Store Visit #1: Target
This is my loot from Target. It may not look like much but please note that the batteries are 24 packs and that there is a Venus razor, lightbulbs, swanky Iams cat food and 3 bottles of body wash. (I bought 3 to get a hefty $15 rebate that when added to the $2 discount I got with a coupon and a free bottle I got with another, I actually make $5.32 profit from buying this bodywash!). I got all of this for a whopping $30.66. According to my reciepts plus the rebate I saved $71.44. Some of the deals didn't work the way I wanted because Target didn't have the proper items in stock but all in all, not bad.
Store Visit #2: Harris Teeter:
Not pictured is 40 pounds of Purina Dog Chow. So, picture the Dog Chow plus this haul (not the wine in the back) - I only paid $35.70. According to my receipt I saved $34.03. Again, pretty good haul. The sushi rice in the front wasn't a deal really but we're making appetizers for our supper club this weekend and we needed rice. Asian Pork Balls will be a recipe for another day, I promise.
I hate to deal and run but I have to make sure that I have everything together for my interview at High Point University in the morning. Say a prayer. Cross your fingers. Cross your toes. I need a job!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Back In The Saddle
In the meantime we've tackled various projects. We canned this fall and made a large amount of jams, jellies (well, we attempted jellies), preserves, and other such things. They proved to be very popular Christmas gifts and we may have to try doing the same thing year after year. It'll be really nice when we have our own fruits and vegetables to can. We've cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the house yet it always seems to be a mess. I'm not sure how that happens. I guess it's a result of two adults living here and not leaving sometimes for 4 to 5 days at a time. We've visited friends and family. We're sorting out ideas for a business plan and I'm thinking of writing a cookbook. Now we just have to turn those two things into a reality.
At the moment I'm working on cross stitching a sampler for my Grandaddy's 77th birthday. At the rate I'm going I might be finished with it by May. His birthday is March 1st. I'm sure if I bake him a banana cake he'll be OK with waiting the real present out.
I am very much looking forward to two things this weekend. The first is a "girl's day out" with my mom, her sister, her mom, and myself. This should be fun! My Aunt Bobbi doesn't get to come visit very much so we were all very excited about her arrival today. The second is our Super Bowl Party on Sunday. So far the attendance is looking pretty slim but that's OK. The people who come will have a rip roarin' good time and lots of food and I'll take lots of pictures to share with you.
Well, in all actuality, that's the excitement of my life right now. I'll work on my photojournalistic chronicles of my days again starting tomorrow. Maybe that'll make this much more interesting to read. But, they always say that the first step is the hardest so I went ahead and made that first step back into the blog world tonight.
That's all for now.